6/7 Metalnews.de


Die Finnen OLYMPOS MONS legen mit "Medievil" ihr zweites Album vor. Dabei gehen sie konsequent den Weg weiter, den sie bereits mit ihrem Debüt "Conquistador" eingeschlagen haben. Musikalisch bedeutet das eine Anlehnung an Acts wie EDGUY, STRATOVARIUS oder AVANTASIA, allerdings mit genug eigener Kreativität und Eigenständigkeit. So dominieren die Lieder mächtige Gitarrenriffs, die teilweise auch mal thrashig ausfallen, orchestrale Arrangements und tonneweise Melodien. Dazu kommt die Stimme von Sänger Ian E. Highhill, der sein Organ variabel einsetzt, dabei aber nicht versucht unerreichbare Höhen zu erklimmen. Am handwerklichen Niveau des Quartetts gibt es zudem nichts zu bemäkeln.

Textlich ist "Medievil" ein Konzeptalbum geworden, dass sich mit den Aspekten einer mittelalterlichen Fantasywelt auseinandersetzt. Doch gerade hier zeigt sich erneut die Kreativität der Band um das Songwriterduo Highhill / Jari Sundström [Gitarre]. Die beiden schaffen es nämlich, die Songs und Lyrics relativ frei von Oberflächlichkeit und Klischees zu halten. Zwar sind einige Passagen sehr pathetisch ausgefallen, bilden im Gesamtwerk allerdings die Ausnahme. Somit setzt man sich deutlich von anderen Bands ab.

Mit den ersten drei Songs "One Word", "Frozen" und "The Emperor Returns" wird die Marschrichtung gleich fulminant umgesetzt. Weitere Höhepunkte der Scheibe sind "Fire And Ice", "Kingdom Of Winter" und "Locked In Chains". Das Einzige, was man OLYMPOS MONS vorwerfen kann, ist etwas mangelnde Abwechslung, da sich bei mehreren Durchläufen irgendwann latente Langeweile einstellt. Das ändert jedoch nichts daran, dass "Medievil" ein überaus starkes Album im Bereich des melodischen Power Metals geworden ist. MANOWAR könnten sich hier getrost mal eine Scheibe abschneiden.

91/100 Lordsofmetal.nl


Olympos Mon's debut album 'Conquistador' was for me one of the pleasant surprises of 2004. The heavy symphonic power metal that these Finns brought forth on that album sounded so damned majestic and was musically so well-provided that you just couldn't ignore this band as a fan of this genre. Of course that album got many good reviews from the international metal press.

This month then band finally comes with a follower and I must admit that I was rather enthusiastic about this album. But I also had questions whether they could match up to the fantastic debut, let alone outdoing it. Well what do you know? From the first second they manage to wipe the doubts and questions away. The beautiful opening track 'One Word' is again a fantastic melodic power metal track with a majestic symphonic touch. The sing along chorus, massive sound, powerful riffing and orchestral arrangements immediately set tone for the rest of what we're about to hear. Musical expertise is clearly audible in the writing aspect as well on the technical and more than that the feeling. These gentlemen not only know how to handle their instruments, but also manage to get everything out of the music.

The songs are each a musical highlight on their own and the constantly manage to give you a load of goose bumps. That has also to do with the magnificent vocal performances of Ian Eric Highhill. What a voice! Not only does he sound powerful, he also puts a lot of feeling in the songs and can hit the high and low notes without pressuring himself. The ten songs on this album sound familiar, but also diverse at the same time. The comparison with Rhapsody is, naturally, unavoidable! Although during 'Frozen' I also have to think a bit of Madonna's 'Like A Prayer'! But no need to worry, because this album sound everything but poppy. The only song that I personally don't like as much as the rest is the progressive 'Locked In Chains', but that's because I'm not a big fan of prog-metal in general. But anyway, if you claim to be a fan of heavy/power/symphonic metal but can't appreciate songs like 'The Emperors Return', 'The Price' or the magnificent 'Fire And Ice', you can seriously start doubting your hearing condition.

The fact remains that Olympos Mons have outdone themselves on this album in every way and as far as I'm concerned they are the rising star in the power and symphonic metal genre. This album is a must for the fans of this genre.

4/5 Arsmetallia.net


Olympos Mons n’est pas un club de foot montois, mais un groupe de heavy symphonique finlandais formé en 2002 et qui a déjà à son actif un album sorti chez Limb Music. C’est chez Scarlet que les finlandias sont de retour, avec un album qui ravira les amateurs de heavy/speed/sympho à la Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, Dark Moor ou Thy Majestie pour n’en citer que quelques uns. Sans être très original, cet album est toutefois brillant par la qualité des compositions, avec leurs refrains travaillés et entraînants, et leurs arrangements symphoniques bien ficelés. Les Finlandais ont trouvé un excellent compromis entre le côté épique et les riffs metal, et une certaine retenue les empêche de sombrer dans la surenchère symphonique, malgré parfois un petit côté ‘peplum’ (« the emperor’s return ») et des sons qui auraient pu être plus naturels. Côté guitares, les riffs sont bien metal, relativement agressifs pour ce style musical, ils sont bien mis en valeur, on approche parfois même du thrash, et les rythmiques suivent la même logique. Bravo et merci au chanteur qui nous épargne les envolées ultra aiguës parfois trop prisées par ses collègues, il met son talent au service des mélodies, et ça paye ! Ajoutons à tout cela une bonne prod’ maison made in Finland, avec un mastering des incontournables studios Finnvox. Belle confirmation d’un futur grand du genre.

9,5/10 Pavillion666.fr


Fort d’un succès rencontré en 2004 avec « Conquistador » son premier opus, Olympos Mons revient aujourd’hui avec « Medievil », bijou de mélodies et de symphonies. A mi-chemin entre Rhapsody et Stratovarius les mélodies épiques et orchestrées du groupe font mouches quoi qu’il arrive.

Tous les éléments propres à un Métal décapant sont présents, à commencer par une section rythmique implacable. La grosse caisse est de sortie ainsi que les rythmes en deux temps, simples mais toujours efficaces. Les plans de guitares, accompagnés par une basse imposante, sont dans l’ensemble monstrueux, tantôt dans un style rentre dedans et tantôt dans un registre beaucoup plus speed, c’est le cas de « The Price » qui s’ouvre sur une envolée mélodique de guitare : un régal. Un autre élément important est le chant. Indéniablement le vocaliste maîtrise sa voix, passant d’une octave à une autre avec aisance. Au niveau émotionnel sa prestation est particulièrement puissante et surtout lorsqu sa voix monte haut comme dans « Frozen », titre somptueux, mis sur un piédestal de part une orchestration mélangeant grandiloquence et subtilité.
Le titre cité ci-dessus est d’ailleurs on ne peut plus représentatif de la musique du groupe. L’atout majeur du combo est évidement sa faculté à produire des titres épiques à faire pâlir les plus grands noms du Power-métal. Les titres du groupes sont extrêmement variés, « Fire and Ice » avec ses sonorités folk garanties par un violon nous plonge dans un monde festif, tandis que « The Emperors Return » nous amène dans les chants de batailles d’antan. Quoiqu’il en soit, qu’elles soient festives où non les mélodies du combo restent prenantes.

En définitive Olympos Mons sort avec « Medievil » un album mature (l’âge mur des musiciens n’y étant sûrement pas pour rien) fait pour tout les amateurs de métal mélodique. Mélodie, violence et originalité sont aux rendez-vous, puisque les éléments du chef d’oeuvre sont là que demander de plus ?

4,5/6 Rockreport.be


Finnish melodic power metal band Olympos Mons released their debut album, “Conquistador”, in 2004 and colleague SL called it a decent album, rewarding it with 4 out of 6 stars. That was almost three years ago and a lot has happened to the band since then. Earlier this year the band also parted ways with Limb Music Products, but almost immediately they signed a new deal with the ever growing Scarlet Records.
Which brings us to the new album featuring a total of ten tracks that bring us back to the dark medieval times. The title of the album as well as its cover artwork bring us in the right atmosphere and the music - melodic power metal bordering to thrash metal - does the rest. If you’re in for a dose of powerful songs full of historical themes, performed by a band from the right country (yes, I mean Finland), this “Medievil” (mark the contraction of ‘medieval’ and ‘evil’) could be something for you. Great melodies, aggressive vocals and guitars, orchestral arrangements, bombastic metal … you name it, Olympos Mons deliver it … by fire and sword. Another good album from Scarlet Records! (CL)

90/100 Powermetal.dk


Finnish Melodic Symphonic Power Metal band OLYMPOS MONS was formed in 2002 and the same year they released the demo “Seven Seas”.
In 2004 they released their debut full-length album “Conquistador” which I have mixed feelings about. Well... I like it but there are a few fillers to be found on that album, but I do like most of the songs, so I was eager to check out this, their second and brand new album “Medievil”.
There’s nothing new under the sun in the OLYMPOS MONS camp. It’s still Melodic Power Metal with aggressive riffs peppered with orchestral arrangements. “Medievil” is more up-tempo than their debut album but the songs still contains very catchy choruses that some of you out there will find too sappy.
“Medievil” needed a few spins in my CD-player to grow, because most of the songs sounded very much the same to me at first, but they all ignite like a bomb after a while.
It’s not secret that I’m into this kind of Metal with filled with sing-along-choruses and this album is packed with catchy melodies.... so stay far, far away from it if you hate this kind of music.
“Medievil” is a must for every Melodic Symphonic Power Metal fan out there, and they deserve major attention and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure they get it.
The production is quite good... crystal clear and powerful... at least more powerful than the production on their debut album “Conquistador”. This is surely a big step in the right direction.
“Medievil” will hit the stores in July the 2nd so do check it out, ‘cause this is surely a big step in the right direction for OLYMPOS MONS.

Distribution: Target (Denmark)
Artwork rating: 72/100
Reviewed by: Peter Laursen
Date: June 27th 2007



Medievil is the second release from the Finnish band Olympos Mons and sees them with a new record deal, after problematic occurrences with their former label that put out their debut album Conquistador four years ago in 2003. You could probably be forgiven for not knowing the meaning of Olympos Mons, who are supposedly named after the highest mountain on Mars and the largest volcano in our solar system.

As much as I dislike the term Battle Metal, it seems like such an accurate way to describe Olympos Mons. As I listen to Medievil, a panoramic view of medieval battle and a whole world of yore unravels in the mind. Aggressive guitars are combined with an antagonistic array of drums, while the vocals are laden with power and tinged with a certain amount of bombast. Medievil is a reminder of what power metal should be – powerful…never mind all of the watered down mush that litters the genre. Grandiose orchestral arrangements and majestic fanfares infuse the sound while the Celtic nuance on “A Race Between Two Hearts” adds a dash of diversity. The Shakespearean dialogue on the Emperors Return only adds to the credibility of ye olde worlde vibe on this album too.

If you can’t get enough of Rhapsody…if Hammerfall gets your head hammering in approval…if you want your next power metal purchase to come with 25% extra power, a free block of cheddar and no added sugar then Medievil is the album you have been searching for!


Luci Herbert

Angelfire.com 4/5


Finnish power metal band, Olympos Mons, are back with their 2nd full-length release. Their new CD is called ‘Medievil’ and they have continued on with the sound from their debut CD, ‘Conquistador’. Olympos Mons are primarily power metal, but have also infused symphonic, neo-classical and folk metal parts into their songs. All together, the music sounds very massive, bombastic and majestic, while still being heavy at the same time.

Hearing Olympos Mons for the first time, I was rather taken back with the quality of the music. This is just the band’s 2nd release and they sound fantastic. Immediately I found similarities with bands such as Guardians of Time, Insania (of Stockholm, Sweden), Thy Majestie, early Nocturnal Rites, Majestic, Dragonland and Iron Mask.

The symphonic and neo-classical metal parts are used perfectly into each song, but still maintain that heavy power metal feel. The guitar sound is quite deep, heavy and brooding in most songs, and in others they are more what you would expect in a symphonic/neo-classical metal band. The band hasn’t gone out on their own here, so there isn’t anything new (music wise), but this is still a very solid power metal release.

There are no ballads on ‘Medievil’ and the songs range from mid-paced to fast-paced; and all of them are action packed and keep your interest the whole way through. I did find 2 things on the CD which I must bring to attention, the first being the structure of some of the songs. I feel that in some parts of the songs, the arrangement doesn’t quite fit, whether it clashes with the vocals or just doesn’t sit well with the main structure of the songs. This is mostly done during the choruses, and I feel it makes them less catchy than they could have been.

The other thing is the vocalist, Ian Highhill. I feel that he is a bit hot and cold. Highhill is a talented vocalist and has great range, but there are parts where I can’t hear as much emotion in his voice, which I had heard in other parts. Overall I am pleased with his efforts, but it is something that he could possibly work on for the all-important 3rd CD.

Song highlights on ‘Medievil’ include “Frozen”, “The price”, “Fire and ice” and “Medievil”, while the best 3 tracks would be “Kingdom of winter”, “Wolves” and “Locked in chains”. “Kingdom of winter” is a great guitar driven track which really shows off the quality and skill of the band. The song is structured perfectly and has a slight dark feel to it as well. “Wolves” is a mid-paced track with galloping riffs and melodic vocals, which picks up the pace during the catchy chorus; not to mention a kick-ass heavy metal solo. Finally, the CD closer, “Locked in chains” is a slow and brooding guitar driven track which is rather different from the other tracks on the CD. It really gets the head banging during the opening, and the feel during the verses is slow and sweet but then goes back to its original heavy sound in the choruses. Highhill sings very well on this track and it's probably his best effort in terms of range and emotion.

I am quite impressed with Olympos Mons’ latest CD, as it took me by complete surprise. Expecting just another symphonic, neo-classical sounding CD, which can all sound rather similar to one another, I was greatly mistaken once the CD had completed. Fans of the aforementioned metal genres will very much enjoy this release and it will also be good to get into a fairly new power metal band who are fighting their way through the metal ranks.


4/6 Metalzone.dk


Finske Olympos Mons er et ret nyt band inden for den Symfoniske Powermetal. Bandet opstod med udgangspunkt i guitarist Jari Sundström og sangeren Ian E. Highhill i 2002, og allerede i 2004 havde bandet en kontrakt til Limp Music, der udgav bandets debut-album, "Conquistador". For nogle måneder siden brød bandet med Limp og kom i hus hos Scarlet Records, der har stået for udgivelsen af dette album, "Medievil".

Bandet indleder med klassisk, filmisk musik, der på mange måder minder om handlingsmusik fra musicaller eller filmmusik med en intens handling. Den er ikke storladen og virker ikke som en typiske indledning, bare som stemning. Stemningen virker lidt malplaceret da den skriger efter en handling, som man ikke kan forestille sig, da man jo er startet på bar bund.
Resten af skiven har ikke mange desiderede klassiske elementer, men bruger gerne akustiske instrumenter i baggrunden, sammen med symfoniske klange til hurtige og flotte Powermetalnumre. Det er udpræget Europæisk Powermetal der er tale om, selvom det til tider virker lidt hårdere en normalt.

Forsangeren har et utroligt register, men klangen er lidt skarp og minder lidt om Elvenkings forsanger, Damnagoras, men er betydelig mere præcis og med renere toner. Udtalen i sangen kunne godt være både tydeligere og mere korrekt. Ofte drukner det i musikken, men selv på de tydeligste steder virker det mumlet.
Resten af bandet har et godt drive og holder musikken kørende, og selvom langt det meste er ren Powermetal, så er der alligevel stor variation mellem numrene. "A Race between two Hearts" er temmelig folkelig og må vist kategoriseres som Folkemetal, men da det overordnede emne for skiven er beskrivelser af middelalderen er det ganske passende.

Teksterne kan jeg, af gode grunde ikke sige meget om, men de omkvæd jeg har forstået lader en del tilbage at ønske. De gentager sig selv for meget, og kan til tider virke tåbelige... Jeg har heller ikke meget tiltro til resten af teksterne.

De breder sig ud i mange retninger og eksperimenterer lidt med klangen. Især var jeg lidt overrasket over at høreen rigtig xylofon-klang i musikken med rigtig ansats og det hele. Enten en utrolig dygtig keyboardspiller der kender sine instrumenter og deres klange, eller også har de fået hevet en xylofon-spiller ind i studiet, hvilket ville bekræfte deres arbejde med det klanglige.

Navnet på bandet, Olympos Mons (det største bjerg på Mars), er ikke i sig selv en sikker sælger, og jeg var da også skeptisk da jeg så skiven. Jeg er blevet rigtig positiv overrasket og vil nu begynde at lede efter den første skive fra disse finske herrer, mens jeg kan anbefale Symfonisk Metal-interesserede i at investere penge på denne skive.
Et ret godt album, hvor forsangerens spidse stemme, fjollede omkvæd og udforståelig tekst trækker skiven ned til de 4 pentagrammer. Er man mindre kritisk med teksterne og selve sangen, så er skiven fyldt med lækker musik, og så skal man endelig ikke holde sig tilbage.


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